Islamic Knowledge Archive

Islamic Perspective on Divorce – According to Quranic Verses

Marriage is prescribed by Allah Almighty. It is the lawful union of man and woman based on mutual approval. The Holy Quran uses the word “Nikah” for this union of a man and a woman. Its literal meaning is getting involved with each other just like rainwater absorbs in the earth. So, the Quran call

Islamic Concept of Faith and Belief | According to Quran and Sunnah

Faith in Islam is the belief in the Unity of Allah. This is conveyed in the primary Kalimah of Islam which is: “There is no one worthy of worship but Allah.” Muslims believe in One Lord that is Allah Almighty. Allah alone is the Creator and Provider of this entire universe. Belief in One Lord

Take Advantage of Five before Five: The Phases of Life

Allah Almighty has created mankind for some specific purpose. We all have some purpose in our life. We should know about this purpose and the basic purpose of our life is to worship Allah (SWT). Allah Almighty is alone in His worship; we should consider Him alone in worship. He (SWT) has blessed some people

Severing the Ties of Kinship- Importance of Kinship according to Quran and Hadith

The importance of kinship and keeping the ties of kinship is obvious from the teachings of Quran and Hadith. It is very important to maintain the ties of kinship in Islam. Allah does not like those who are severing the ties of kinship. In Holy Quran Allah Almighty says: “… and fear Allah through Whom

Importance of Praying Salah on Time | Quranic Verses and Hadiths

We know there are five pillars of Islam; Salah is one of them and most important Pillar of Islam. When someone prays he is known to be Muslim because he is worshipping Allah Almighty who is his creator and the Lord of everything in this world and Hereafter too. Salah is an Arabic word its

Importance of Learning Asmaul Husna | 99 Names of Allah with Benefits

Allah Almighty is the Creator of this world and everything in it. It is important to know the Asmaul Husna and attributes of Allah Almighty. Knowing Allah makes a person love and fear Him, and put his hope in Him, and be sincere towards Him in his actions. There is no way to know Allah

Islamic Perspective of Unity | Verses and Hadiths on Muslims Unity

Islam means complete submission to the will of Allah Almighty. As a Muslim, it’s obligatory for us to follow the rules and guidelines that Allah (SWT) described in Holy Quran. In this regard, Allah (SWT) stated in Holy Quran: “O’ who believe! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly, and follow not the footsteps of the evil one;

Day of Resurrection in Islam | Signs of the Judgment Day in Quran

Muslims believe that this worldly life is a trial preparation for the next life that Hereafter which will remain forever. It is a part of Muslim belief to believe in the existence of the judgment day. The belief in Day of Resurrection is related to the life hereafter. Judgment Day will come when the whole

The Status of Parents in Islam | Rights according to Quran and Sunnah

The status of parents in Islam is very high. We as a Muslim should give respect and love to our parents. Parents are to be treated well at all times this is a virtuous kind of act in the sight of Almighty Allah. Parents and children in Islam are bonded together by mutual obligations. Allah

The Importance of Dhikr | Benefits and Effects in the Life of Muslim

Dhikr meaning “Remembrance” is the devotional act in Islam in which short Duas and prayers are recited repeatedly to remember Allah (SWT). Dhikr is a very powerful and simple way to worship Allah (SWT) when we have a lack of time, which carries many benefits and virtues. Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran: “O you