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What We Are Offering!

QuranReading.Com is launching video course platform on March 25th, 2019. Currently, we are looking for Quran Tutors to teach Quran and Islamic Video-Quranic courses by online videos. We will be sharing fee earned from this platform with selected tutors. This new platform is like courser.org and edx.org

We are inviting experienced Islamic Teachers to join our Video-Course-Platform from all over the world. Next Steps are:

  1. Submit your resume / CV through "Join Us Now" button.
  2. We will review your profile and will contact selected tutors within 2 weeks.
  3. We will send you all the details on how to make the courses and what is the compensation plan.
  4. We will guide you how to create courses for our platform. There no special skills required for this.
  5. We will launch your courses on our platform. It will be available in more than 100 countries.
  6. We will be advertising and promoting these courses through our Islamic websites and 100's of mobile-Apps see below for more details.
  7. You will have access to our online system to see how many people have taken your Video course
  8. At the end of the month you will receive your monthly compensation based on your video course usage. We will share more details with selected tutors on percentage sharing.
  9. So why wait, submit your resume now.

Video Courses

Basic Quran Learning
Learn Qurani Qaida
Quran Memorization
Islamic Course
Al-Hadith & Seerah

Eligibility Criteria for Tutor

Benefits of working with Us

  • Quran reading is serving Muslim students globally since 2005 and we have more than 10,000 daily visitors.
  • We will be advertising our Islamic “Online Video Courses” on our Qibla Connect® App which has more than 15 Million Downloads worldwide.
  • We are probably world’s largest online Quran Academy and largest Islamic online content provider.
  • We are most popular Academy worldwide and especially in western countries.
  • This is excellent opportunity to share your knowledge and experience with other Muslim brothers and sisters through our digital platform.
  • One-time effort and ongoing earning Through our digital platform.
  • Get a chance to teach live courses from our academy as well at later stage.
  • Earn a great living and be your own boss.
  • Checkout Our Qibla® Connect Application

  • Android            iOS
What We Are Offering

Contact Us

If you are Interested Please send Your Resume to video@quranreading.com
We will get back to you in 5 working days

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