QuranReading.com takes special measures to ensure that the Quran learning process is effective so that after every lesson the student of our online Quran Tutoring classes leaves with an increased and better knowledge of Quran.
QuranReading.com is the world’s largest Quran Tutoring Academy and a respected brand among parents who wish to teach their children about Quran.
Learning Quran means to stay in touch with Islam. It’s hard to find reliable Quran tutors in U.S. I was worried enough about the Quran education of my two daughters. Then, I explored QuranReading.com as the best option, due to quality of their services. I always found their CSRs supportive and ready to help in any issue regarding change of timing, or learning sessions. Thank you QuranReading Team!
Living in the middle of Arkansas and having no tutor of Qur'an, a desperate condition for me. My friend told me about QuranReading.com, where there is no age limit for students. I have started taking Quran classes three days a week. Now, my two sons are also students of their tutors. I will highly recommend you all to try their Quran Learning program for once.
My son Mehdi Walji, who is just 4 years, is having his classes from QuranReading.com. I really didn’t imagine that it could work. Now, I am 100% satisfied with his fast progress, and his interest in Quran learning. It’s all because of the tutors at QuranReading.com, who are teaching in a friendly environment. Hats off to you guys!
www.QuranReading.com is an amazing program. My two kids are studying since one year. We sometimes go on long vacations to another country and their Online Quran classes go with us. I am happy with their Tajweed and Tafseer services. Being a computer professional, I am glad to see that they have number of computer engineers to resolve any computer issue. All these efforts make the learning process smooth. Believe me; it's awesome!
Asif JaferyAnybody having a computer and access to internet can learn with us. We will walk you through how to download simple Gotomeeting program for interactive Live Quran Reading session with live Quran teacher.
Allah Ma'ki