Islamic Knowledge Archive

Facts about the Holy Quran

Quran is the Holy Book of Muslims and it is guidance for all humanity. Quran was revealed by Allah SWT on His last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The holy book is followed by every Muslim. Millions of Muslims recite it daily and memorize it. The Quran provides a code of life for all humans to

Kids Kalma Series – An App to Learn 6 Kalma Word by Word

Kids Kalma Series is an interactive educational application developed for Muslim smartphone users by with the feature of word by word recitation, translation, and transliteration. The six Kalma of Islam are a manifestation of faith for every Muslim. Hence the memorization and understanding of these Kalma in Arabic is advised for Muslim children and

The Importance Of Fasting Six Days in Shawal After Ramadan

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the Islamic Calendar; during with the true disciples of Islam fulfill the 4th Pillar of Islam, i.e. fasting for 30 consecutive days in order to please the Almighty Lord. Muslims throughout the world keep away from fulfilling their physiological needs like eating and drinking etc. along with maintaining

Learn Dua e Qunoot – Word by Word App For Witr Prayer

Learn Dua e Qunoot is an Islamic learning app specifically designed for you to be able to read, memorize, and recite the dua in an interactive way. Dua e Qunoot is required to be recited in the Witr prayer at night. However, it has been found that many Muslims across the globe find it hard

Tips To Become A True Muslim By Following Quran and Sunnah

Although the proclamation of Shahada is enough for entering into the circle of Islam, however, no Muslim enters Islam just to remain at the same stage of spiritual purity and faith with which he or she entered Islam. Every Muslim wants to progress in faith and wants to be a True Muslim not just a

The Miraculous Nature of The Holy Quran

Quran is the greatest miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) not because it is the word of God, nor because of the fact that it contains complete guidance for Muslims, rather due to the fact that it is a miracle in itself and each and every aspect of it is unique and has no match compared

4 Great Lessons We Can Learn from Surah Yousaf

In Quran, Allah Almighty gives the stories and anecdotes of the earlier people and Prophets, so that Muslims and people to follow till the end of times could take a lesson from them and follow the righteous path. Thus, in Quran the story of earlier times are not mere stories, rather they are facts with

Learning From Surah Kahf – 4 Stories with 4 Beautiful Lessons

Each and every verse of Quran is a marvel in itself and learning the verses of Quran reveals that every word of it is a pearl the equivalent of which cannot be found on the surface of this earth nor in any other book written by anyone. Therefore, every verse of Quran holds a unique

How to Perform Salaat-ul-Tasbeeh [Tasbeeh Prayer]

In Islam, prayer is a mean of getting close to Allah Almighty and showing submission to His Greatness and Lordship. Muslims correctly offer prayers five times a day to make their bond with Allah Almighty strong and praise Him for all that He has bestowed upon them. Besides the prayers being an obligation for praising

Islamic Calendar- An App for Calendar/Date Conversion

Time is of essence and in order to know about history as well as to predict the future will turn out to be, the tool used by humans is of time. It is the time to which we give dates, and these dates then makeup the human history. Therefore, whether it were people of ages