The Religion Of Peace, Islam-An Overview

“The Religion Of Peace, Islam-An Overview” is a discussion about the few of the basics of Islam. “Islam is the religion of harmony and peace” It encourages to treat every living being with love and kindness. So we see, there are 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. So most of the Muslims all through the

6 Major Beliefs Of Muslims

In today’s blog post “6 Major Beliefs Of Muslims” we will discuss the very basics of the Muslims’ belief briefly. Allah is one, all-powerful, Allah has no offspring, no gender, no race, and nobody. He is all in all. Muslims believe in the existence of the angels who are unseen and bring orders of Allah

The Golden Age Of Islam And Its Major Achievements

In today’s article, The Golden Age Of Islam And It’s Significant Achievements is a discussion about the golden era from the 8th to 14th centuries when Islamic achievements were at its peak. Let us briefly discuss a few details and let us answer a few of our reader’s questions in this brief discussion. When we

Waqia-e-Karbala And Imam Hussain AS

“The aim of my revolution is to reform society and revive the true teachings of Islam.” (Imam Hussain, Tuhaf al uqul, p.243) “Waqia-e-Karbala And Imam Hussain AS” is a discussion about the battle of Karbala and the steadfastness of Imam Hussain AS. Let us dig a bit deep into the incident in next lines. The

How Much Fasting Is Significant On Ashura And Muharram

“How Much Fasting Is Significant On Ashura And Muharram” is a brief discussion on the vitality of the fasting in the days of Muharram. May Allah SWT help us truly follow our religion. Aameen. Fasting is considered obligatory by many Muslims in this month Hazrat Moosa was saved from Pharoah and the Egyptians Prophet SAW

4 Major Events Of The Month Of Muharram(Moharram)

“4 Major Events Of The Month Of Muharram(Moharram)” is a discussion about the most significant events of the Islamic month of Muharram. We hope today’s blog post will bring some valuable insights. First of Muharram: Seizure of the Grand Mosque in 1400 AH (1979 AD). The unfortunate incident took place in 1979 when civilians requiring

Muharram, Significance, And Importance In Islam

“Muharram, Significance, And Importance In Islam” is a discussion to look into the few reasons why this holy month in Islam is much important, and how it is significant enough. May Allah help us understand our deen and may He guide us to follow it truly. Aameen. Based on the lunar hijri calendar, Muharram is

5 Things Every Muslim Should Know About Prophet Muhammad SAW

“5 Things Every Muslim Should Know About Prophet Muhammad SAW” is a must-read blog. It throws light on the life of the prophet SAW. We cannot sum up such a profound personality in this short blog but we can discuss a few things in the current blog post. Few Introductory Bullet Points Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

How Important Is The Sacred Month Of Dhul Hijjah

In today’s blog post “How Important Is The Sacred Month Of Dhul Hijjah” we will try to see why dhul hijjah is an important month in the life of the muslims. The Holy Month Of Dhul Hijjah, Introductory Bullet Points Dhul Hijjah is the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. This holy month has importance

Surah Ash Shura-Summary And Thematic Introduction

In today’s blog post “Surah Ash Shura- summary and thematic introduction” we will try to analyze and see what the 42nd chapter of Quran “Ash shura” talks about. The name of the Surah The name of the surah is mentioned in the verse 224, (وَالشُّعَرَآءُ يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الۡغَاوٗنَؕ‏ ﴿۲۲۴ , suggesting in this way that it is